12. There is a range of hemp seed products in the market including whole hemp seed and dehulled hemp seed, hemp seed oil, hemp seed cake (the by-product after mechanical oil pressing), hemp seed meal (the by-product after solvent-based protein extraction of pressed cake), hemp hulls and hemp protein concentrates/isolates (Fig. 2 is a series of addon explicitly created for the Mod Immersive Engineering which was developed surrounding the idea of hemp planting. - re-added the Hemp to String recipe - changed logging to use separate logger rather than FMLLog (thanks Malte)cable, in engineering, either an assemblage of three or more ropes twisted together for extra strength or a rope made by twisting together several strands of metal wire. It generates Immersive Flux (IF) or Redstone Flux (RF) by burning Biodiesel or other modded fuels. One way to do it would be to make it possi. Personally I opt for IE's hemp as it grows faster and I think looks nicer. It can be used for most of the blocks and items from Immersive Engineering or another mods, which needs Steel Ingot. This is an addon for Better With Mods to bridge features of tech mods. 😒. 2 Edition: Minecraft Java editionImm. The Transformer is a block added by Immersive Engineering. Recipe . The Wooden Storage Crate is a block added by Immersive Engineering. Finally, these strands are twisted together to form rope. Immersive Engineering: ID Name : Unknown First Appearance : MC 1. malte0811 mentioned this issue on May 27, 2022. Closed ChronosWS opened this issue Feb 5, 2018 · 4 comments Closed [1. Immersive Technik) ist eine Modifikation, die von BluSunrize und Mr_Hazard erstellt wurde. It can NOT be sold in a Shipment Box, or eaten raw. The Hemp Rope Coil has a maximum length of 32 blocks. Metals. A retro-futuristic tech mod! 78,971,377 Downloads Last Updated: Oct 20, 2021 Last Updated: Oct 20, 2021Immersive Engineering. 2 is a series of addon explicitly created for the Mod Immersive Engineering which was developed surrounding the idea of hemp planting. The Blast Furnace Preheater is a machine added by Immersive Engineering. . Select the latest version. The ropes for transmitting power are usually made from fibrous, materials such as. *there is no need to change the install directory if you used the. The Copper Wire Coil is a block added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to speed up the Improved Blast Furnace using Redstone Flux (RF). Although sourced from two different plant materials, jute and hemp are extremely similar in strength. Yes (64) Treated Sticks are only used as a crafting ingredient in recipes added by Immersive Engineering mod. Coal Coke •. Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with most assets created by Damien Hazard. It has no functionality of its own, but it is used in the crafting in the of the Improved Windmill Blade. 30 ImmersiveEngineering-0. 19. The Hemp Rope Coil can only stretch up to 32 blocks, through blocks and/or liquids. Core Sample Drill. 0 Update !!!Immersive HempCraft Mod 1. These villagers can level up by doing. 2. 3. The Diesel Generator is a 3x5x3 multi-block machine added by the Immersive Engineering mod. Better with Mods can override the Immersive Engineering hemp drop, or it can disable its own. This is done by placing Hemp Rope in the Pulleys inventory. It is used to transfer RF between HV Wire Connectors with a maximum length of 32 blocks. It uses energy (Redstone Flux) to convert ores into dusts. 0. The Transformer limits the RF to the lowest wire, in this case LV Wire Coil. HV Wire Coil. - added WAILA compat for hemp - buffed electro upgrade for the revolver. Required Tool. . The Diesel Generator is a 3×5×3 multiblock added by Immersive Engineering. Bauxite Ore • Copper Ore • Lead Ore • Nickel Ore • Silver Ore. The Windmill is a block added by the Immersive Engineering mod, which generates RF in a connected Kinetic Dynamo. ChronosWS opened this issue Feb 5, 2018 · 4 comments Assignees. It can be used to make a. 1, you can break the stress unit mechanic pretty well even in mid-game (especially since the IE alloy kiln can make brass too :D) These furnace engines can be forced to run 24/7 with no input, fuel, or maintenance using External Heaters from IE. A. Immersive Engineering. Hemp is a high yielding, sustainable, and environmental friendly crop that can provide valuable raw materials to a large number of applications (Carus et al. (This is an up to date sevtech ages pack I'm playing on) I'm trying to craft industrial hemp fiber into hemp rope using the assembler. A cable can be a strong and thick hemp or steel rope, or a conductor for sending electrical or optical signals. Bucket of Creosote Oil is an item added by the Immersive Engineering mod. It is best known for its multiblock machines, characterized by their industrial look. 83 MB. 156 About Project. The latest Plant Gatherer cannot harvest IE hemp crop. Once. Stackable. Is there an incompatibility between those mods? is there an agricraft cross-breed recipe? I dont know but i solved my problem already. Changelog. The Engineer's Skyhook is an item added by Immersive Engineering mod. Coke Oven (Immersive Engineering) has no known uses in crafting. Immersive HempCraft Mod 1. Power the pulley, and it starts carrying the bucket around the rope path. I've got 12 garden cloches outside, 3 pumpkin 9 sugar cane. Wire Connectors attach directly to machines, usually to a visible power plug. The Tank will visually show the liquid being stored and its amount on each side of it. Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown specifically for industrial use. Flower power logo. The Tank will store 512,000 mB (512 Buckets ). A retro-futuristic tech mod!Cheers! Love the mod, but after a few days of breaking down tall grass I noticed I couldn't get Industrial Hemp seeds to drop. The PE–PP bound fibers existing in the thermal-bonded samples melt at a lower. Nylon is stretchy and strong. 18. Rope is thicker and stronger than similarly constructed cord, Rope may be constructed of any long, stringy, fibrous material, but generally is constructed of certain [1] [2] [3. 1. However, there is a lack of studies that analyze the recent evidence-based immersive learning experiences applied in a classroom setting or offered to the public. It also enhances dye retention. If one machine with +10 range can't keep up with the huge crop area, just make 4 machines with +5 range, so that they have 4 times less crops to take care of each. Contents. As water flows over the water wheel it will turn. All 3 have to be of type ItemSeeds. If you are interested in immersive engineering hemp rope,Please Feel free to give your inquiry in the form or the email below . It will increase compatibility between some mods while making parts of some fit into the BWM theme by making it more difficult or balanced. It uses flowing water to generate RF in a connected Kinetic Dynamo. Fibre Ropes. 6. 18. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. ); like an electrical network, but without electricity. It uses energy (Redstone Flux) and combines Ethanol (8 mb) and Plant Oil (8 mb) to create Biodiesel (16 mb), a combustible fuel for Diesel Generator . The Conveyor Belt is a block added by Immersive Engineering. The piston's and the Conveyor Belts' direction matters. Those interested in Hemp, Inc. So. Machines use either low, medium or high voltages with 256 RF/t being low, 1024 RF/t being medium and 4096 RF/t being. The HV Wire Coil is the final tier wire in Immersive Engineering. 2. However, the strict control of cannabis cultivation to combat illegal use, the spread of new yarns. Revolver is a weapon item added by Immersive Engineering mod. The Engineer's Skyhook is an item added by Immersive Engineering mod. Grow a strong plant in Light-Mix Garden Soil (fertilizable at stage 4, when the leaves becomes dark green). Download Immersive Engineering Mod on CurseForge. 18. It is the successor to the Sheet Metal Block . For liquid to be removed a redstone signal is required, additionally, a Fluid Pump (Immersive Engineering) can be used to speed up the output. 산업용 대마 (Industrial Hemp Seeds) 120. Freebi85 closed this as completed on Apr 16, 2021. An Improved Blast Furnace can have a maximum of two Blast Furnace Preheaters; one on each side. 5% for MV and HV. Main article: Wire Coil#Usage Insulated Wire Coils are used. - Added alternative textures for Hemp for those who want to use them. The first bridge was made from hemp rope and cedar planks, with the lines anchored by large cedar. In the first step, dry hemp rope (diameter 3 mm) was wrapped around the concrete specimens as shown in the Fig. Immersive technologies have been shown to significantly improve learning as they can simplify and simulate complicated concepts in various fields. Recipe []. 18. Item. It is the most basic way of generating continuous Mechanical Power. 1. Natural fibres as reinforcement for composite materials have witnessed a resurgence of interest in the past few years, largely due to ecological concerns, legislative directives and technological advancements. 82 MB Aug 3, 2015: 1. Maybe something more along the lines of a multiblock. The Hemp Rope Coil. Forge 31. 1 Recipe 2 Usage The Windmill is a block added by the Immersive Engineering mod, which generates RF in a connected Kinetic Dynamo. 5, Wooden Storage Crates have a special. It features many multiblock machines, with energy components that look and feel like an AC electrical network. when trying to setup crop automation for industrial hemp from the immersive engineering mod using create harvesters instead of braking and replacing the seeds the harvester instead breaks the plants without replanting regardless of plant growth stage. Rope Oak Bridge: Rope Birch Bridge: Rope Spruce Bridge: Rope Jungle Bridge: Rope Acacia Bridge: Rope Dark Oak Bridge: Rope Crimson Bridge:. Placement is important and it is best to place it on a wall or tower, as. I only run 1 generator right now, and it takes it 4 mins and 40 buckets of fuel (which takes 4M RF to make) to refill that 20M cap bank. 805-410-4367. 1. Planting them on tilled soil plants Industrial Hemp. Immersive learning for 25 languages. Learn; Dictionary;. It can be produced by Blast Furnace from 1 iron ingot and a Coal Coke . Unlike with the Improved Blast Furnace, slag may not be removed - limiting its automation capabilities. 2. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. needs: a fluix relay, a fluix coil block and 5 iron ingots. Immersive HempCraft Mod 1. Hemp Fibers are an item added by Better With Mods. Discover a new guide for Immersive Engineering Mod Wiki. The issue is that the hemp seeds when going into the item router get sent back and pop out. An investigation has been done on the physical and mechanical performance of industrial hemp fibers and their fabric. 0 - deobfuscated: 1. Usually when you connect the cables from point A to point B they bend. LV, MV and HV Wire Connectors are blocks added by Immersive Engineering. Created a year ago. To connect to the dynamo, first place the dynamo down at least 4 blocks off the ground. They are first classified by the type of fibre used, with Sisal and Manila being the dominant varieties. 2. 10 but may also apply to other versions)! Tod. Novabraid XLE Performer - Polyester Double Braid Rope3. The Diesel Generator is a 3x5x3 multi-block machine added by the Immersive Engineering mod. An addon for Immersive Engineering. Power – RATE of energy transfer; measured in Flux/tick. The LV Wire Coil loses 0. 3. dash16 opened this issue on Apr 10, 2021 · 1 comment. cross-section of hemp fibers w a s poly g o nal an d th e tensi l e strength of a si ngl e hemp fi ber (mea n fib e r widt h o f 6 7 ± 26 μ m) wa s 27 7 ± 1 91 MPa , as wel l a s a tensi l e. The Conveyor. Industrial hemp is a sustainable and eco-friendly material that provides many benefits to the user. Immersive Engineering | Only 1 hemp Seed >> by placeblock Mar 10, 2021. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. MC 1. The dust can then be smelted in a furnace. Integrates with Farmer's Delight in a few different ways: Adds two new materials: Straw (fibre) and Canvas (fabric) The starter belt can be crafted from rope instead of string; Adds canvas and rope variants for several belt modules; Adds a knife module for the sword blade slot32,768 RF/t. 12-85. October 2, 2020. It has no uses other than. It has no uses other than pure decoration or as a zip-line for the Engineer's Skyhook. The HV Capacitor stores 4,000,000 RF inside it, and has an input and output of 4,096 RF/t maximum. 2% Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and drug type hemp with greater than 0. ago. Hemp fiber is among the strongest in the plant kingdom and as strong as glass fiber on a per weight basis. Stackable. the loss from LV over a long distance is 5% and its only 2. There isn't any other message in console, and this only happens with the industrial hemp seeds. 1. The course includes: N. For liquid to be removed a redstone signal is required, additionally, a Fluid Pump (Immersive Engineering) can be used to speed up the output. That block hasn't fuctions of its own. RF stored in the LV Capacitor is kept if the block is broken. 5. Hemp Rope can also be used with Anchors to create climbable rope ladders. A: Horizontal Windmilll) is a block added by Better With Mods. C. LV Wire Coil • MV Wire Coil • HV Wire Coil • Redstone Wire Coil • Steel Cable Coil • Hemp Rope Coil. 85 About Project. - Fix ALL the issues that came with these updates (Malte) - Add deepslate ores, raw ores and update textures for IE ores (BluSunrize & Malte) - Raw ores crush into grit, with a 33% chance for double output. Then shift-right-click the dynamo with the water wheel in-hand. * New drop materials from bushes, rocks, and more. Different parts of the hemp plant are used to make different products. Updated Sep 2, 2022. All devices added by IndustrialWires can run of IC2 EU as well as ForgeEnergy/RF. Industrial Hemp [] Main article: Industrial Hemp Seeds Industrial Hemp is a crop added by Immersive Engineering. [1. Spent a few days designing this for 1. it's balance since the create electric motor is kind of difficult to make and it only generate 12k su max. No. The Steel Cable Coil has a maximum length of 32 blocks. P. A running Diesel Generator makes a fair amount of noise. Hemp, or industrial hemp (most well-known for its other name weed ) usually found in the north of the earth surface, is a series of Cannabis Sativa plant which was. Manila (also called Manila Hemp) is made from the abacá plant (a relative of the banana). r/feedthebeast. Power is output via the three copper-looking dots on the top of the multi-block, and the machine can be turned off by applying a redstone signal to. The structural cable can be connected to a Structural Cable Connector or HV Wire Relay by right clicking on the. Immersive Engineering. Instead of one block that magically spits out dusts when ore is put in, it offers a crusher, a big multiblock. Updated 2 months ago. 24,460 ARTICLES ON THIS WIKI MV Wire Coil The MV Wire Coil is the second tier wire in Immersive Engineering. 1: 955 1. To keep laid rope held together, all this twisting is done in opposite directions. The Hemp Rope Coil has a. Which is 2 sticks 2 iron and 1 string. Steel Scaffolding is a block added by the Immersive Engineering mod. 7. jar How did it happen? Randomly happens, I think. It is used to generate energy in conjunction with a Windmill and/ or a Water Wheel. g. yes, there's a lot of uses for the hemp fibers, still, but stacking up some amount for use for string/wool/tough fabric probably is satisfied rather quickly considering the amount produced allowing composting of the fibre gives it an additional use (bonemeal / bone block production) and allows a feedback loop for the cloches used in the Plant. ) as well as in large-scale hemp products. Only LV and MV Wire Coils can be insulated. Flammable. Once the Core Sample Drill has completed right-clicking it will print the result of the operation, as either finding a vein or not. In all my worlds in 15. Create Arcane Engineering Dev asks for Feedback. At present, hemp fibres have attracted the global interest. During December, and as of version 0. 必要に応じて、 ConnectedTexturesMod を. The first is that a melon slice no longer. 2/1. Also, I searched above Y= 170 like the Tip says, and tried to get it as a mob drop but had no luck so far. Picture turning your ideas and designs into three-dimensional objects you can almost touch, rotate, and examine from every angle. 10 and Immersive Engineering 1. Item. To set the input and output on the HV Capacitor. Hemp seeds not in recipe for immersive engineering squeezer for plant oil, Industrial hemp seeds are may be a product of the merge to "hemp" Did this behavior use to work in the previous version? Steps to Reproduce (for bugs) Base hemp seeds in immersive engineering squeezer; No output; Logs. 19 by RareDevil. HEMP, INC. Industrial Hemp is. Immersive Engineering. 7. Garden Cloche Mystical Agriculture datapack for mod Immersive engineering and Mystical Agriculture can corp seed. The Transformer allows for the conversion from the MV RF (using MV Wire Coil) to the LV RF (using LV Wire Coil) or from LV RF to MV RF. Report. . The pump is required because the coke oven doesn't have an explicit output. The Ear Defenders can selectively muffle its sound. LV Wire Coil • MV Wire Coil • HV Wire Coil • Redstone Wire Coil • Steel Cable Coil • Hemp Rope Coil. 2. A maximum of two parallel arms can be extended. . fiberHemp. Minecraft version: 1. The plant in question, otherwise known as hemp - or industrial hemp - is the seed or fibrous part of the Cannabis Sativa, whereas the flower of the plant is legally regarded as marijuana. Even when first tried for hauling and. Diesel Generator. When fully grown, the top bit was broken leaving the bottom as per the usual, however, it was still very slow to regrow its top (tested AFKing for about 15mins). Put the strong plant in strong soil All-Mix (fertilizable at stage 4, when the white flowers appear at the bottom part of the plant) 4. The Immersive Engineering Thermoelectric Generator produces a constant supply of power in a small footprint. hi, i have a question about the speed of the garden cloche without using any fertilizer, im trying to build a full biodiesel setup but i am limited by the amount of seeds my garden cloches produce, i tried looking on the wiki but it didnt say anything about the speed, how many garden cloches do i need for 2 industrial hemp. The Wooden Storage Crate is a block added by Immersive Engineering. Game Version 1. 078% RF per a block distance for a maximum loss of 2. 4. I figured with the custom rendering and use of fake blocks it might actually be more complicated than passing. Support me on Patreon: fluids around really isn't so hardIn this episode we look at fluid handling in Immersive Engi. It does not have a GUI - instead, the crushing wheels. They are obtained by breaking Grass. My current setup is using MineFactory Reloaded, with a Planter and Harvester, but Industrial Hemp does not work with MFR. 2 Hemp bast fiber To increase development of primary fibers over secondary fibers, a key aspect of cultivation for hemp fiber is timing, which needs to be determined based on geographical and. - Worked on Version 1. 2. 4 Added. Engineer's Workbench. Immersive engineering Assembler not crafting anything. - Added alternative textures for Hemp for those who want to use them. Emits Light. 12. 0. The Wooden Post is used to hang items or wire connectors off when there is nothing in the area. #3. They attach Wire Connectors and Wire Relays to each other. 0. How to make ethanol and biodiesel with Immersive Engineering - 1. This can be countered with by using the upgraded Reinforced Storage Crate. Stock pot or pressure cooker - large enough to hold all your rope and cover with water. Apr 25, 2016. It is used to generate Redstone Flux (RF) when connected to a Kinetic Dynamo. #1. It will increase compatibility between some mods while making parts of some fit into the BWM theme by making it more difficult or balanced. I show you how to effecti. developed by applying epoxy resin to the natural hemp fiber rope. Includes my other mods 'Ore Drill Worker Animation Fix' and 'Automatic Grain Silo Fix'. Introduction. 1-168 by BluSunrize on Oct 3, 2023. 16 up to Lasted version ) **if below version 1. 59 MB Nov 15, 2015: 1. It has a large quest tree with a detailed guide on mods like The Bumblezone and Productive Bees and includes custom progression which ties mods together. 10 . it's balance since the create electric motor is kind of difficult to make and it only generate 12k su max. The Transformer can be placed on the Wooden Post and when done so will. Hemp has been grown for centuries in Europe for the high quality of its fiber that was used to produce ropes, clothing, and paper (Ranalli and Venturi, 2004). This item can be used to latch onto an Immersive Engineering cable and ride the cable similar to a zip-line. You plop down a new pulley block. The Tank will visually show the liquid being stored and its amount on each side of it. HV Capacitor (Immersive Engineering) The HV Capacitor is a block added by Immersive Engineering. 0. 18. This unique 50/50 Hemp/Cotton construction creates a soft and strong, more sustainable rope. Breaking it will drop the 4-6 Industrial Hemp Fiber and 1-2 Industrial Hemp Seeds. Pam's HarvestCraft에서 추가하는. 6. It has a GUI, with 12 input slots, 4 additional (alloying) slots and 7 output slots. The Seed to City Hemp Initiative combines Rensselaer expertise in design, engineering, and business to develop a holistic plan for a sustainable and economically viable hemp industry for New York. • 2 yr. In the United States, production is controlled under drug enforcement laws. You could build vertically, but you are talking a line or 2 lines of cloches, a squeezer, a fermenter, a refinery, all of whih are maybe 3x5x3 ish. Integrates with Farmer's Delight in a few different ways: Adds two new materials: Straw (fibre) and Canvas (fabric) The starter belt can be crafted from rope instead of string; Adds canvas and rope variants for several belt modules; Adds a knife module for the sword blade slotIn order to start making coal coke, simply right click on the Coke Oven to open its interface. Crusher is a machine added by the Immersive Engineering mod. The basic requirement for service is that the rope remain firmly compacted and structurally stable, even while the rope is bent, twisted, and pulled. Project ID 231951. It has no functionality of its own, but it is used in the crafting in the of the Improved Windmill Blade . 25. No. The hemp adds stability and strength to cotton, making the rope stronger and slightly lowering its shrinkage. >> Download from CurseForge. The Floodlight when supplied with LV RF (using a LV Wire Coil) provides a cone of light that can extend up to 32 blocks long, the light is equivalent to a. 2] Tinkers Construct Scythe/Kama cannot reap Industrial Hemp #2768. Planting them on tilled soil plants Industrial Hemp. A crafting resource used to craft the Thermoelectric Generator. 12. Download. 5. Flammable. ), as one of the most important traditional natural fiber crops, had almost been forgotten for the last several decades. If Casual and Relaxed HONEST Gameplay is what you're looking for, then you have found your Channel! All of my series' start out absolutely horrendous [But FU. Treated wood (Immersive engineering, ?) Farmer's Delight. 1 cup salt (for dying)shroud: 1 n burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped Synonyms: cerement , pall , winding-clothes , winding-sheet Type of: burial garment cloth used to cover a corpse in preparation for burial n (nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind Synonyms: mainsheet , sheet , tack ,. Such as the metal press and garden gloche! As well as tha. I also connect both the squeezer and fermenter. Hemp is said to be slightly stronger than jute, with an average tensile strength of 250 MPa (one MPa = one million pascals) versus jute’s 200 MPa. No. Natural fibres as reinforcement for composite materials have witnessed a resurgence of interest in the past few years, largely due to ecological concerns, legislative directives and technological advancements. Revolver is a weapon item added by Immersive Engineering mod. Immersive Engineering's Plant Oil recipe being missing; 3. Grow a strong plant in Light-Mix Garden Soil (fertilizable at stage 4, when the leaves becomes dark green). Coke Oven (Immersive Engineering) has no known uses in crafting. It is used to transfer RF between HV Wire Connectors with a maximum length of 32 blocks. One note related to this, I tried setting up a hemp farm using Botania Mana Spreaders with Bore Lenses. Immersive Engineering Mod. Cannabis has been grown/utilized for thousands of years as a fiber, grain, and drug/medicinal plant. needs: 2 glass (any) and 2 pure nether quartz crystals. but now it looks funky to have two rows of Glowstone instead of irrigation canals. In that time, they produce about 7k of potatoes, hemp and hemp seeds. MC 1. RF production. Industrial hemp is a high yield crop with (on average) 3 times more metric tons of fiber produced per hectare cultivated. Now, there are several confounding factors here - one of them being that the 3. Steel Ingot (Immersive Engineering) The Steel Ingot is an item added by the Immersive Engineering mod. I am spending some time now to prune my mod list carefully and find out if there is actually one conflicting but I don't think this issue belongs closed right now. 4 (with the assumption that Immersive Engineering is the only major tech mod, as that is how I am playing right now) From my limited testing, potatoes seem to be the best way to produce Ethanol, since a Garden Cloche can produce potatoes faster than sugar cane. Fermenter is a block added by the Immersive Engineering mod. Bucket of Creosote Oil is an item added by the Immersive Engineering mod. Botany conservation/research building. Plant Sower plants it correctly, but while other plants become harvested, hemps are not. The LV Capacitor is a block added by Immersive Engineering. 1. It uses Biodiesel to generate energy (Redstone Flux). Insulated LV and Insulated MV Wire Coils are a form of energy conductor added by Immersive Engineering. Industrial Hemp Seeds Does anyone know where to get hemp seeds, can't find any but they are essential for Immersive Engineering. Industrial hemp is a botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars grown specifically for industrial or medicinal use. Tough Fabric is an item added by the Immersive Engineering mod. Anyways, you attach the pump to a Fermenter or Squeezer or whatever. Input logs will be converted to charcoal, coal will create coal coke, and coal blocks create coal coke blocks. It must be harvested with a Sickle. It is a means of transport that allows items to be moved from one location to another. Immersive Engineering is a top-of-the-line tech mod for now, it adds many new multi-block structured machines and Redstone Flux (RF) based machines with a nostalgic futuristic feel to the game. It's aimed to give more use to Immersive Engineering's hemp fibres, which are used for upgrading windmills, and then two different decorative items, whilst the seeds are the most potent source of Plant Oil, used for the mod's high-end power generation.